WASHINGTON, D.C. – On October 11, 2022, H.E. Marko Djuric, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the United States, and Gabriel Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, officially opened a new building of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia on 16th NW Street, a few blocks from the White House.

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia sponsored the opening reception for officials, diplomatic staff, businessmen, Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and the Serbian – American communities. Representatives of the Government of Serbia who were present included Vladimir Orlic, President of the Serbian Parliament; Maja Gojkovic, Vice-President and Minister of Culture and Information; and Jorgovanka Tabakovic, Governor of the National Bank of Serbia. On behalf of the Serb National Federation Milos Rastovic, Cultural Outreach Coordinator, and SNF Lodge #23 member John M. Buffalini were present.

In front of the new building, members of the local Serbian Folklore Group “Opan- cici” in traditional Serbian costume welcomed the guests by serving the traditional salt and bread. Drina Rajic was Master of Ceremony. H.E. Marko Djuric, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the United States, also welcomed guests and pointed out that, “Modern Serbia is all about friendship.”